- crush mill
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Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
crush´a|ble — crush «kruhsh», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. to squeeze together violently so as to break or bruise: »The bear s squeeze crushed two of the hunter s ribs. 2. to wrinkle or crease by wear or rough handling: »His hat was crushed when the girl sat on it. My … Useful english dictionary
mill — mill1 [mil] n. [ME melle < OE mylen, akin to OHG mulin, ON mylna, all < 4th c. Gmc borrowing < LL molinae, pl. of molina, mill < LL(Ec) molina, of a mill < L mola, millstone < IE base * mel , to grind, crush > MEAL2, MILD,… … English World dictionary
mill — [n] factory foundry, manufactory, plant, shop, sweatshop, works; concepts 439,449 mill [v] grind comminute, crush, granulate, grate, pound, powder, press, pulverize; concept 186 … New thesaurus
mill — ▪ I. mill mill 1 [mɪl] noun [countable] 1. a building containing a large machine for crushing grain into flour, or the machine itself 2. MANUFACTURING a factory that produces a material such as cotton, cloth, or steel: • The textile mill is full… … Financial and business terms
mill — mill1 [ mıl ] noun count * 1. ) a building where grain is made into flour a ) a machine used for crushing grain into flour b ) a small machine or tool used for crushing substances such as PEPPERCORNS or COFFEE BEANS 2. ) a factory where a product … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
mill — I UK [mɪl] / US noun [countable] Word forms mill : singular mill plural mills * 1) a building where grain is made into flour a) a machine used for crushing grain into flour b) a small machine or tool used for crushing substances such as… … English dictionary
mill — Synonyms and related words: C, C note, G, G note, Vandyke, abrade, amble, armory, arrastra, arsenal, assemble, assembly line, assembly plant, atomic energy plant, atomize, average, ball mill, basic, be turbulent, beat, bindery, blaze, blooming… … Moby Thesaurus
mill — mill1 W3 [mıl] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(grain)¦ 2¦(cotton/cloth/steel)¦ 3 coffee/pepper mill 4 go through the mill 5 put somebody through the mill 6¦(money)¦ 7¦(million)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Sense: 1 5; Origin … Dictionary of contemporary English
mill — {{11}}mill (n.1) building fitted to grind grain, O.E. mylen a mill (10c.), an early Germanic borrowing from L.L. molina, molinum mill (source of Fr. moulin, Sp. molino), originally fem. and neuter of molinus pertaining to a mill, from L. mola… … Etymology dictionary
crush — 1. verb 1) essential oils are released when the herbs are crushed Syn: squash, squeeze, press, compress; pulp, mash, macerate, mangle; flatten, trample on, tread on; informal smush 2) your dress will get crushed Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
mill — 1. noun 1) a steel mill Syn: factory, (processing) plant, works, workshop, shop, foundry 2) a pepper mill Syn: grinder, crusher, quern 2. verb the wheat is milled into flo … Thesaurus of popular words